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A look back at the inauguration of our 1st digital platform in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps

On 8 November, we brought together local telecoms players, our customers and our partners to inaugurate our first digital platform in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps.

An opportunity to present this innovative and secure product for regional data storage.

The Saint-Pierre-des-Corps digital hub is :

  • A slab to accommodate Edge centres
  • 1,500 m² - 1.75 MW
  • Access to Terrawave's low latency dual adduction services - Paris-Tours < 3 ms RTT
  • GMPLS or switched security on mesh networks
  • Access to local telecom networks via two draw-in chambers at the roadside boundary
  • Connection and power supply
  • Fenced site secured by video surveillance and railway police
  • 24/7 access to the site from the public highway


What is a digital panel?

The SNCF group is one of France's leading landowners, with available land close to major economic centres. These sites are close to the SNCF's fibre optic network and electricity infrastructure, offering considerable scope for development and contributing to the growth of edge computing.

With these sites, Terralpha offers digital players a hosting service to speed up the development of their solutions.

These digital tiles are equipped with a double cable duct to the Terralpha optical network along the railway tracks and to the public domain boundary to connect them to the local telecoms, electricity and water networks.

These Digital Tiles are ready to be used as local DataCentres, enabling customers to accelerate the deployment of computing, storage and transmission services as close as possible to where data is generated and used.