A sovereign infrastructure is a prerequisite for sovereign operation and digital sovereignty.
Terralpha ensures the sovereignty of its infrastructures thanks to :
Optical fibre is a cable made of very thin glass or plastic wire, which is used to propagate light waves.
In the telecommunications sector, optical fibre is used to transport data in the form of light pulses between two distant locations, ranging from a few metres to several thousand kilometres.
The light signal is capable of transmitting a very large amount of information, with significant potential for increasing data rates thanks to technological advances.
Terralpha, a subsidiary of SNCF Réseau, has several fibres along the SNCF tracks. Terralpha therefore offers different routes between two points, enabling the use of low-latency links on both the main link and its backup.
This technology, which enables long-distance communications at very high speeds, is a revolution in telecommunications.
The information circulating in the cables travels at the speed of light.
The cable is made up of three main components:
Data transport on the Terralpha photonic network takes the form of optical rather than electronic signals. Data is therefore transported in the form of light throughout the network.
A photonic network is data agnostic.
The interconnection with the customer is made via a specific protocol for the sake of operational rationalisation.
An electronic signal is transformed into a light signal on a card - the transponder - and the data remains in the form of a light signal until it reaches the destination POP, where the reverse operation is performed. will take place.