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Ultra-high-speed broadband at the core of the regions

Terralpha, a subsidiary of SNCF Réseau, is deploying secure, ultra-high-speed, low-latency points of presence throughout France for businesses, public bodies and operators.


Terralpha provides all professionals with ultra high-speed solutions tailored to their business challenges: performance, security, sovereignty and enhanced customer experience. Terralpha's unique nationwide network, combined with its full ownership of the railway arteries, gives it unprecedented resilience, security and sovereignty.

To meet the emerging needs of Edge Computing and to facilitate the development of regional data centres, Terralpha offers hosting solutions called Digital tiles, enabling the installation of DataCenters for Telecom and Edge operators.

Terralpha France

Terralpha less
one minute

Terralpha offers

Ultra haut débit Terrawave

Terrawave Ultra Broadband

Private network on wavelengths from 10 to 400 Gb/s

Amplified FON

Neutral and transparent transport of your optical signals through our national photonic network

Hébergement Dalles Numériques

Digital tiles Hosting

Areas developed for the installation of DataCenters on railway rights-of-way

Building together
the high-speed train for data!

The Terralpha network

With an optical network spanning more than 20,000 km and crossing 6,000 municipalities, Terralpha is helping to reduce the digital divide by deploying UHD points of presence at the gateway to the regions.

Our latest news

20 Aug 2024
news-terralpha | press

Record speed: 800 Gb/s between Bordeaux and Marseille

This project, carried out on the production network, represents a major step forward in the field.
19 Mar 2024

Customer interview - e.SNCF Solutions - Wave vs MPLS

Customer interview - e.SNCF Solutions - Wave vs MPLS
24 Nov 2023
news-terralpha | press

Etix Everywhere joins forces with Terralpha to strengthen France's digital infrastructure

Lille, Thursday 23 November - Etix Everywhere, a major player in the data centre sector, is celebrating...

Our partners

Logo Adva
Logo Telehouse
Logo Equinix