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Terralpha network

An ultra-high-speed fibre-optic network

Across France

Terralpha, a subsidiary of SNCF Réseau, is rolling out an ultra-high-speed alternative telecoms network throughout France using optical rail fibres.

Its unique network, linked to its full ownership along the railway lines, gives it unprecedented resilience, security and sovereignty.

The Terralpha network is :

20 000

Km of optical fibres

6 000

Towns crossed

2 000



Connected DataCenters

Points of presence

Open PoPs      PoP in 2025

Addresses are given for information only.

Terralpha offers

Ultra haut débit Terrawave

Terrawave Ultra Broadband

Private network on wavelengths from 10 to 400 Gb/s

Hébergement Dalles Numériques

Digital tiles Hosting

Areas developed for the installation of DataCenters on railway rights-of-way